# Entities
# track
- identifier:
{string | number}
URL, URL path or ID - client_id?:
client_id for APIv2
- identifier:
example track Object
{ "artwork_url": "https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-Yo3mH7MYaXkR-0-large.png", "caption": null, "commentable": true, "comment_count": 5, "created_at": "2017-03-20T16:24:44Z", "description": null, "downloadable": false, "download_count": 0, "duration": 191129, "full_duration": 191129, "embeddable_by": "all", "genre": "Electronic", "has_downloads_left": true, "id": 313447871, "kind": "track", "label_name": "Vision Recordings", "last_modified": "2018-11-12T16:06:05Z", "license": "all-rights-reserved", "likes_count": 596, "permalink": "tentacles-1", "permalink_url": "https://soundcloud.com/noisia/tentacles-1", "playback_count": 16506, "public": true, "publisher_metadata": { "id": 313447871, "urn": "soundcloud:tracks:313447871", "artist": "Noisia", "album_title": "Outer Edges", "contains_music": true, "upc_or_ean": "5060448297771", "isrc": "NLCK41032641", "explicit": false, "p_line": "2016 Vision Recordings", "p_line_for_display": "℗ 2016 Vision Recordings", "c_line": "2016 Vision Recordings", "c_line_for_display": "© 2016 Vision Recordings", "release_title": "Tentacles" }, "purchase_title": null, "purchase_url": null, "release_date": "2016-08-05T00:00:00Z", "reposts_count": 34, "secret_token": null, "sharing": "public", "state": "finished", "streamable": true, "tag_list": "\"Drum & Bass\"", "title": "Tentacles", "track_format": "single-track", "uri": "https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/313447871", "urn": "soundcloud:tracks:313447871", "user_id": 116681, "visuals": null, "waveform_url": "https://wave.sndcdn.com/q1WquQVdelm3_m.json", "display_date": "2016-08-05T00:00:00Z", "media": { "transcodings": [ { "url": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/media/soundcloud:tracks:313447871/c8579861-49ae-4e7e-9318-d52f10fee4fb/stream/hls", "preset": "mp3_standard", "duration": 191129, "snipped": false, "format": { "protocol": "hls", "mime_type": "audio/mpeg" }, "quality": "sq" }, { "url": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/media/soundcloud:tracks:313447871/c8579861-49ae-4e7e-9318-d52f10fee4fb/stream/progressive", "preset": "mp3_standard", "duration": 191129, "snipped": false, "format": { "protocol": "progressive", "mime_type": "audio/mpeg" }, "quality": "sq" }, { "url": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/media/soundcloud:tracks:313447871/87a679d9-9245-40e0-a21f-9c042a267861/stream/hls", "preset": "opus_0_0", "duration": 191129, "snipped": false, "format": { "protocol": "hls", "mime_type": "audio/ogg; codecs=\"opus\"" }, "quality": "sq" } ] }, "monetization_model": "AD_SUPPORTED", "policy": "MONETIZE", "user": { "avatar_url": "https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000451809714-n5njwk-large.jpg", "first_name": "", "followers_count": 3954040, "full_name": "", "id": 116681, "kind": "user", "last_modified": "2021-01-13T12:34:24Z", "last_name": "", "permalink": "noisia", "permalink_url": "https://soundcloud.com/noisia", "uri": "https://api.soundcloud.com/users/116681", "urn": "soundcloud:users:116681", "username": "NOISIA", "verified": true, "city": "", "country_code": null, "badges": { "pro": false, "pro_unlimited": true, "verified": true } } }
Usage: Request info about a track by either SoundCloud URL or ID. If you use a string as identifier it resolves the data via scraping.
If you use a number (user ID) it calls the APIv2 directly. In that case it's recommended to supply a
for APIv2 to save on one request which would resolve one for you.Use
to get aclient_id
for APIv2.Example:
import { user } from "opensoundcloud" const track = await track("noisia/tentacles-1") console.log(track.id) //> 313447871
# user
- identifier:
{string | number}
URL, URL path or ID - client_id?:
client_id for APIv2
- identifier:
example user Object
{ "avatar_url": "https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000451809714-n5njwk-large.jpg", "city": "", "comments_count": 28, "country_code": null, "created_at": "2009-05-11T16:14:44Z", "creator_subscriptions": [ { "product": { "id": "creator-pro-unlimited" } } ], "creator_subscription": { "product": { "id": "creator-pro-unlimited" } }, "description": "Noisia comprise Dutch producers Thijs, Nik and Martijn. Largely regarded as one of the most distinctive, powerful acts to emerge in bass music, their production techniques are referenced and praised across the entire electronic music scene. Their extensive body of work also includes the game Devil May Cry and the Foreign Beggars collaboration I Am Legion.", "followers_count": 3954185, "followings_count": 89, "first_name": "", "full_name": "", "groups_count": 0, "id": 116681, "kind": "user", "last_modified": "2021-01-13T12:34:24Z", "last_name": "", "likes_count": 53, "playlist_likes_count": 20, "permalink": "noisia", "permalink_url": "https://soundcloud.com/noisia", "playlist_count": 67, "reposts_count": null, "track_count": 488, "uri": "https://api.soundcloud.com/users/116681", "urn": "soundcloud:users:116681", "username": "NOISIA", "verified": true, "visuals": { "urn": "soundcloud:users:116681", "enabled": true, "visuals": [ { "urn": "soundcloud:visuals:114449016", "entry_time": 0, "visual_url": "https://i1.sndcdn.com/visuals-000000116681-fL1pqB-original.jpg" } ], "tracking": null }, "badges": { "pro": false, "pro_unlimited": true, "verified": true }, "url": "/noisia" }
Usage: Request info about a user by either a username, full SoundCloud URL or user ID. If you use a string as identifier it resolves the data via scraping.
If you use a number (user ID) it calls the APIv2 directly. In that case it's recommended to supply a
for APIv2 to save on one request which would resolve one for you.Use
to get aclient_id
for APIv2.Example:
import { user } from "opensoundcloud" const userData = await user("noisia") console.log(userData.id) //> 116681
# tracks
- identifier:
{string | number}
URL, URL path or ID - options?:
- limit?:
Limit the amount of tracks returned. Defaults to 20. - client_id?:
client_id for APIv2
- limit?:
- identifier:
example tracks Object
{ "collection": [ { "artwork_url": "https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-01jMDBCQjw4gyd3s-EslJMA-large.jpg", "caption": null, "commentable": true, "comment_count": 32, "created_at": "2020-10-21T15:53:42Z", "description": "'Outer Edges ∴ Live' is out now via VISION: vision.fanlink.to/VSN074\n\n“This was the most ambitious thing we ever did together: creating an audiovisual show around our own album, ‘Outer Edges‘. It meant building an audiovisual instrument first (with Roy yfxlab, Merijn Kijkbuiskinderen and Manuel deepred.tv) and thén a show to perform on that instrument. Everything synced, but controlled live, to create one cohesive experience. It was a lot of work, and a lot of stress – especially when the actual album leaked and we found out minutes before going on stage to perform it for the first time – but it is something we are still very proud of. The visuals were all custom made, a lot of them by Nik himself who VJ’d during the set, Thijs brought a part of his modular setup to jam on stage, and Martijn controlled the flow of the songs through Ableton. It felt like the ultimate way to perform our music.” – Noisia\n\nArtwork by https://tomjager.nl\n\n@noisia\nDiscord → discord.gg/noisia\nInstagram → instagram.com/noisia_official\nSpotify → bit.ly/NoisiaSpotify\nPatreon →www.patreon.com/noisia\n\n@visionrecordings\nTwitter → twitter.com/visionrecs\nInstagram → instagram.com/visionrecordings", "downloadable": false, "download_count": 0, "duration": 3656777, "full_duration": 3656777, "embeddable_by": "all", "genre": "VSN074", "has_downloads_left": true, "id": 915521593, "kind": "track", "label_name": "VISION", "last_modified": "2020-11-03T22:20:31Z", "license": "all-rights-reserved", "likes_count": 761, "permalink": "outer-edges-live", "permalink_url": "https://soundcloud.com/noisia/outer-edges-live", "playback_count": 15637, "public": true, "publisher_metadata": { "id": 915521593, "urn": "soundcloud:tracks:915521593", "artist": "Noisia", "album_title": "Outer Edges ∴ Live", "contains_music": false, "publisher": "Copyright Control", "explicit": false, "p_line": "2020 VISION", "p_line_for_display": "℗ 2020 VISION", "writer_composer": "Thijs de Vlieger, Nik Roos, Martijn van Sonderen", "release_title": "Outer Edges ∴ Live" }, "purchase_title": "Stream / Download", "purchase_url": "http://vision.fanlink.to/VSN074", "release_date": "2020-10-21T00:00:00Z", "reposts_count": 96, "secret_token": null, "sharing": "public", "state": "finished", "streamable": true, "tag_list": "noisia \"outer edges\" \"outer edges live\" \"noisia live\" \"drum and bass\" vision", "title": "Outer Edges ∴ Live", "track_format": "single-track", "uri": "https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/915521593", "urn": "soundcloud:tracks:915521593", "user_id": 116681, "visuals": null, "waveform_url": "https://wave.sndcdn.com/MGbDTMwEy8xu_m.json", "display_date": "2020-10-21T15:53:42Z", "media": { "transcodings": [ { "url": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/media/soundcloud:tracks:915521593/829aec02-0cdf-48b7-817d-c7c19173e6da/stream/hls", "preset": "mp3_0_1", "duration": 3656777, "snipped": false, "format": { "protocol": "hls", "mime_type": "audio/mpeg" }, "quality": "sq" }, { "url": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/media/soundcloud:tracks:915521593/829aec02-0cdf-48b7-817d-c7c19173e6da/stream/progressive", "preset": "mp3_0_1", "duration": 3656777, "snipped": false, "format": { "protocol": "progressive", "mime_type": "audio/mpeg" }, "quality": "sq" }, { "url": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/media/soundcloud:tracks:915521593/1e89f510-9244-433c-9bb8-6bfa59e21123/stream/hls", "preset": "opus_0_0", "duration": 3656733, "snipped": false, "format": { "protocol": "hls", "mime_type": "audio/ogg; codecs=\"opus\"" }, "quality": "sq" } ] }, "monetization_model": "NOT_APPLICABLE", "policy": "ALLOW", "user": { "avatar_url": "https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000451809714-n5njwk-large.jpg", "first_name": "", "full_name": "", "id": 116681, "kind": "user", "last_modified": "2021-01-13T12:34:24Z", "last_name": "", "permalink": "noisia", "permalink_url": "https://soundcloud.com/noisia", "uri": "https://api.soundcloud.com/users/116681", "urn": "soundcloud:users:116681", "username": "NOISIA", "verified": true, "city": "", "country_code": null, "badges": { "pro": false, "pro_unlimited": true, "verified": true } } }, { "artwork_url": "https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000673544905-adf5yl-large.jpg", "caption": null, "commentable": true, "comment_count": 34, "created_at": "2020-01-24T16:33:48Z", "description": "Stream / Download: https://fanlink.to/Armajet\nArmajet (Original Game Soundtrack) is out now.\n\nArmajet is a game with its roots in 90’s twitch shooters. Hardcore, unforgiving, instant, inhuman. \nThe match with our music was obvious. We didn’t have to work out much about what it needed to sound like. \nThe music we made for it isn’t purely about Armajet itself, though. A lot of other elements come through: the frustration over our breaking up, my personal attachment to to 90/00’s twitch shooter genre (UT99 specifically), the 90’s trance sound of detuned saw arps, and the developing 3D game graphics of the time: futuristic, unnatural and new. \nThe music reflects these 90’s gamer kicks; seeking the maximum challenge, speed, reflexes, resolution, framerate, information density, eyes wide open from energy drinks, falling asleep on your keyboard at a LAN party. How fast can my brain go, how much can I take. What has now arguably become a chronic disease for everyone with a smartphone back then was the rush we were after. Nailing that impossible shock combo or headshot in a flow state, watching each other discover seemingly inhuman levels of mastery in a different reality. The digital frontier. \nWe hope you enjoy the music. And GLHF <3\n\nArtwork by https://http://www.khomatech.com\n\n@noisia\nDiscord → discord.gg/noisia\nInstagram → instagram.com/noisia_official\nSpotify → bit.ly/NoisiaSpotify\nPatreon →https://www.patreon.com/noisia\n\n@visionrecordings\nTwitter → https://twitter.com/visionrecs\nInstagram → https://instagram.com/visionrecordings", "downloadable": false, "download_count": 0, "duration": 132833, "full_duration": 132833, "embeddable_by": "all", "genre": "VSN054", "has_downloads_left": true, "id": 748808698, "kind": "track", "label_name": "Vision Recordings", "last_modified": "2020-09-25T20:53:32Z", "license": "all-rights-reserved", "likes_count": 747, "permalink": "vaporized-armajet-soundtrack", "permalink_url": "https://soundcloud.com/noisia/vaporized-armajet-soundtrack", "playback_count": 29223, "public": true, "publisher_metadata": { "id": 748808698, "urn": "soundcloud:tracks:748808698", "artist": "Noisia", "album_title": "Armajet (Original Game Soundtrack)", "contains_music": true, "publisher": "Copyright Control", "isrc": "UKACT2030085", "explicit": false, "p_line": "2020 Vision Recordings", "p_line_for_display": "℗ 2020 Vision Recordings", "writer_composer": "Nik Roos, Martijn van Sonderen, Thijs de Vlieger", "release_title": "Vaporized" }, "purchase_title": "Stream / Download", "purchase_url": "https://fanlink.to/Armajet", "release_date": "2020-01-24T00:00:00Z", "reposts_count": 115, "secret_token": null, "sharing": "public", "state": "finished", "streamable": true, "tag_list": "Noisia Vaporized Armajet \"Original Game Soundtrack\" Techno \"Drum & Bass\" Beats Electronica \"Vision Recordings\"", "title": "Vaporized (Armajet Soundtrack)", "track_format": "single-track", "uri": "https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/748808698", "urn": "soundcloud:tracks:748808698", "user_id": 116681, "visuals": null, "waveform_url": "https://wave.sndcdn.com/rKb9P2VvYLFm_m.json", "display_date": "2020-01-28T16:00:00Z", "media": { "transcodings": [ { "url": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/media/soundcloud:tracks:748808698/24dad9d1-f134-4351-8548-e13e11a69f39/stream/hls", "preset": "mp3_0_1", "duration": 132833, "snipped": false, "format": { "protocol": "hls", "mime_type": "audio/mpeg" }, "quality": "sq" }, { "url": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/media/soundcloud:tracks:748808698/24dad9d1-f134-4351-8548-e13e11a69f39/stream/progressive", "preset": "mp3_0_1", "duration": 132833, "snipped": false, "format": { "protocol": "progressive", "mime_type": "audio/mpeg" }, "quality": "sq" }, { "url": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/media/soundcloud:tracks:748808698/c23a9252-f1db-4929-ad0c-9887acbd3b62/stream/hls", "preset": "opus_0_0", "duration": 132807, "snipped": false, "format": { "protocol": "hls", "mime_type": "audio/ogg; codecs=\"opus\"" }, "quality": "sq" } ] }, "monetization_model": "BLACKBOX", "policy": "MONETIZE", "user": { "avatar_url": "https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000451809714-n5njwk-large.jpg", "first_name": "", "full_name": "", "id": 116681, "kind": "user", "last_modified": "2021-01-13T12:34:24Z", "last_name": "", "permalink": "noisia", "permalink_url": "https://soundcloud.com/noisia", "uri": "https://api.soundcloud.com/users/116681", "urn": "soundcloud:users:116681", "username": "NOISIA", "verified": true, "city": "", "country_code": null, "badges": { "pro": false, "pro_unlimited": true, "verified": true } } } ], "next_href": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/users/116681/tracks?offset=2020-01-28T16%3A00%3A00.000Z%2Ctracks%2C00748808698&limit=2", "query_urn": null }
Usage: Request a specific users tracks by either a username, full SoundCloud URL or user ID. If you use a string as identifier it resolves the user ID via scraping first, so use the ID when possible.
It's recommended to supply a
(for APIv2) to save on one request which would resolve one for you.Use
to get aclient_id
for APIv2.Example:
import { user } from "opensoundcloud" const userTracks = await user.tracks("noisia") console.log(userTracks.collection) //> PaginatedResponse<TrackElement[]>
# likes
- identifier:
{string | number}
URL, URL path or ID - options?:
- limit?:
Limit the amount of tracks returned. Defaults to 20. - client_id?:
client_id for APIv2
- limit?:
- identifier:
example likes Object
{ "collection": [ { "created_at": "2019-02-07T18:40:02Z", "kind": "like", "track": { "artwork_url": "https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000484833429-0bon3i-large.jpg", "caption": null, "commentable": true, "comment_count": 31, "created_at": "2019-02-07T18:36:07Z", "description": "A preview of the music I want to make for our kickstarter project. Please support, we're almost there but we need to go the last mile!! \n\nThe idea of the kickstarter in a few words:\n\nWe (Setareh Nafisi, @NicholasRobertThayer, and I) want to write three 15 minute compositions for string quartet and electronics, make a short movie / long music video for each piece, and then take it to the stage: an audiovisual concert mixing images from the films with light and stage design and of course live string players and electronics. \n\nThe kickstarter ends on sunday February 10th, at 17:20 CET / 10:20 EST. \n\nFind out about all the rewards we've thought of, previews from the filmmakers, thoughts and research concepts behind it, interviews with NestHQ and UKF and much more on our kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/threereflections/three-reflections-for-string-quartet-and-electroni\nFor iDeal payments go to: http://tinyurl.com/idealthreereflections\n\nThanks everybody for your support so far, we're not far off! Please share this with everybody that you think might like this project!", "downloadable": false, "download_count": 0, "duration": 164090, "full_duration": 164090, "embeddable_by": "all", "genre": "Klassiek", "has_downloads_left": true, "id": 571702953, "kind": "track", "label_name": null, "last_modified": "2020-07-26T01:11:09Z", "license": "all-rights-reserved", "likes_count": 627, "permalink": "reflection-for-string-quartet-and-electronics", "permalink_url": "https://soundcloud.com/iamthys/reflection-for-string-quartet-and-electronics", "playback_count": 27690, "public": true, "publisher_metadata": { "id": 571702953, "urn": "soundcloud:tracks:571702953", "contains_music": true }, "purchase_title": null, "purchase_url": null, "release_date": null, "reposts_count": 69, "secret_token": null, "sharing": "public", "state": "finished", "streamable": true, "tag_list": "stringquartet electronics Soundtrack Preview", "title": "Reflection for String Quartet and Electronics (sketch)", "track_format": "single-track", "uri": "https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/571702953", "urn": "soundcloud:tracks:571702953", "user_id": 15015, "visuals": null, "waveform_url": "https://wave.sndcdn.com/PAlBaoz3iSVW_m.json", "display_date": "2019-02-07T18:36:07Z", "media": { "transcodings": [ { "url": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/media/soundcloud:tracks:571702953/0f59c311-6583-476a-b22e-794f162801a8/stream/hls", "preset": "mp3_0_0", "duration": 164090, "snipped": false, "format": { "protocol": "hls", "mime_type": "audio/mpeg" }, "quality": "sq" }, { "url": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/media/soundcloud:tracks:571702953/0f59c311-6583-476a-b22e-794f162801a8/stream/progressive", "preset": "mp3_0_0", "duration": 164090, "snipped": false, "format": { "protocol": "progressive", "mime_type": "audio/mpeg" }, "quality": "sq" }, { "url": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/media/soundcloud:tracks:571702953/58407c64-3f3a-4ef5-9e89-04200a137be4/stream/hls", "preset": "opus_0_0", "duration": 164007, "snipped": false, "format": { "protocol": "hls", "mime_type": "audio/ogg; codecs=\"opus\"" }, "quality": "sq" } ] }, "monetization_model": "BLACKBOX", "policy": "MONETIZE", "user": { "avatar_url": "https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-ZbOPixzfQ2hRwkwi-NFoVqA-large.jpg", "first_name": "", "full_name": "", "id": 15015, "kind": "user", "last_modified": "2021-02-05T17:38:01Z", "last_name": "", "permalink": "iamthys", "permalink_url": "https://soundcloud.com/iamthys", "uri": "https://api.soundcloud.com/users/15015", "urn": "soundcloud:users:15015", "username": "Thys", "verified": true, "city": "", "country_code": null, "badges": { "pro": true, "pro_unlimited": false, "verified": true } } } }, { "created_at": "2018-12-12T16:09:59Z", "kind": "like", "track": { "artwork_url": "https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000457356018-mbdnra-large.jpg", "caption": null, "commentable": true, "comment_count": 125, "created_at": "2018-12-12T16:01:08Z", "description": "Noisia Radio this week: we premiere ‘Ground - Swindle’ taken from Outlines 3, out Dec 21st, and a track from Thys's score for ‘Sleeping Beauty Dreams’. More new music by: Kije, Signal, Insideinfo, M.Justa, Thing, Jubei, and we’re playing you two Ed Rush & Optical classics, taken from the Wormhole album. Enjoy!\n\nSubscribe to Noisia Radio: https://fanlink.to/NoisiaRadio\nListen to the Noisia Radio playlist on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/29v73JS\nGet the ‘Hello Person’ T-shirt: http://bit.ly/NoisiaRadioMerch\n\nFollow Noisia:\nInstagram https://instagram.com/noisia_official\nSoundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/noisia\nSpotify http://bit.ly/NoisiaSpotify\nYoutube https://youtube.com/user/NoisiaTV\n\nGROUND - Swindle [INVISIBLE]\nHalogenix - Vex [CRITICAL MUSIC]\nKije - Morze [DIVISION]\nInsideInfo - Lost It [INSIDEINFO MUSIC]\nMefjus - Together (Signal Remix) [VISION]\nHerzeloyde Ft. 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Usage: Request a specific users likes by either a username, full SoundCloud URL or user ID. If you use a string as identifier it resolves the user ID via scraping first, so use the ID when possible.
It's recommended to supply a
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to get aclient_id
for APIv2.Example:
import { user } from "opensoundcloud" const userLikes = await user.likes("noisia") console.log(userLikes.collection) //> PaginatedResponse<UserLikesv2Element[]>
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client_id for APIv2
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Usage: Request info about a playlist by either SoundCloud URL or ID. If you use a string as identifier it resolves the data via scraping.
If you use a number (user ID) it calls the APIv2 directly. In that case it's recommended to supply a
for APIv2 to save on one request which would resolve one for you.Use
to get aclient_id
for APIv2.Example:
import { user } from "opensoundcloud" const playlist = await playlist(620756469) console.log(playlist.id) //> 620756469 console.log(playlist.tracks) //> Array<Track>
# search
- query:
- options?:
- limit?:
Limit the amount of tracks returned. Defaults to 20. - client_id?:
client_id for APIv2
- limit?:
- query:
example search response Object
{ "collection": [ { "avatar_url": "https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000451809714-n5njwk-large.jpg", "city": "", "comments_count": 28, "country_code": null, "created_at": "2009-05-11T16:14:44Z", "creator_subscriptions": [ { "product": { "id": "creator-pro-unlimited" } } ], "creator_subscription": { "product": { "id": "creator-pro-unlimited" } }, "description": "Noisia comprise Dutch producers Thijs, Nik and Martijn. Largely regarded as one of the most distinctive, powerful acts to emerge in bass music, their production techniques are referenced and praised across the entire electronic music scene. Their extensive body of work also includes the game Devil May Cry and the Foreign Beggars collaboration I Am Legion.", "followers_count": 3954100, "followings_count": 89, "first_name": "", "full_name": "", "groups_count": 0, "id": 116681, "kind": "user", "last_modified": "2021-01-13T12:34:24Z", "last_name": "", "likes_count": 53, "playlist_likes_count": 20, "permalink": "noisia", "permalink_url": "https://soundcloud.com/noisia", "playlist_count": 67, "reposts_count": null, "track_count": 488, "uri": "https://api.soundcloud.com/users/116681", "urn": "soundcloud:users:116681", "username": "NOISIA", "verified": true, "visuals": { "urn": "soundcloud:users:116681", "enabled": true, "visuals": [ { "urn": "soundcloud:visuals:114449016", "entry_time": 0, "visual_url": "https://i1.sndcdn.com/visuals-000000116681-fL1pqB-original.jpg" } ], "tracking": null }, "badges": { "pro": false, "pro_unlimited": true, "verified": true } } ], "total_results": 10000, "next_href": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/search?q=noisia&query_urn=soundcloud%3Asearch%3A1dd8831b772f447bb0e9f240bde0d40d&offset=2&limit=2", "query_urn": "soundcloud:search:1dd8831b772f447bb0e9f240bde0d40d" }
Usage: Search tracks, users and playlists.
It's recommended to supply a
(for APIv2) to save on one request which would resolve one for you.Use
to get aclient_id
for APIv2.Example:
import { search } from "opensoundcloud" const searchResult = await search("noisia") console.log(searchResult.collection) //> SearchResult[]
# tracks
Arguments: Same as regular search
Returns: Same as regular search but only containing items with
kind: tracks
Usage: Same as regular search
import { search } from "opensoundcloud" const searchResult = await search.tracks("noisia") console.log(searchResult.collection) //> SearchResult[]
# playlists
Arguments: Same as regular search
Returns: Same as regular search but only containing items with
kind: playlists
Usage: Same as regular search
import { search } from "opensoundcloud" const searchResult = await search.playlists("noisia") console.log(searchResult.collection) //> SearchResult[]
# users
Arguments: Same as regular search
Returns: Same as regular search but only containing items with
kind: users
Usage: Same as regular search
import { search } from "opensoundcloud" const searchResult = await search.users("noisia") console.log(searchResult.collection) //> SearchResult[]
# albums
Arguments: Same as regular search
Returns: Same as regular search but only containing items with
kind: albums
Usage: Same as regular search
import { search } from "opensoundcloud" const searchResult = await search.albums("noisia") console.log(searchResult.collection) //> SearchResult[]
Util →